To include a phone number with your advertisement, you must first add it to your account. After the phone number has been verified by our system, you can select the phone number to have it displayed with your advertisement. Please follow these steps:

  • Log into the website and go to My account
  • Go to: Account and click Change
  • Click on telephone number and enter your telephone number here

The computer will immediately call this number back to verify it (at our costs.) So make sure the number is active at the time of verification. After verification, you can add the number to your ad:

  • Go to: My avertisements
  • Find the advertisement where you want to put the phone number and click 'edit'
  • In the phone number field you can now select the phone number you want to place with your advertisement
  • Click on 'edit advertisement' on the bottom of the page

Your phone number is now correctly displayed with your ad.