We want the advertisements on Sexjobs to be as reliable as possible and to achieve this goal we have two types of verifications on Sexjobs.
There is a 'Person verification' and an 'ID verification'.
The Person verification
To place an ad in certain categories it is mandatory to have an approved Person verification otherwise your ads will not be able to go online.
When creating your first ad in these categories, we will ask you to do the Person Verification.
The moderation team uses the Person verification to verify that the photos accompanying the ad really belong to the advertiser. The requested verification photos will not be published with your advertisement. Even if you do not place photos with your advertisement, you are still obliged to do the requested Person verification.
See how the person verification works on this page.
The ID verification
In some categories it's also mandatory to have an approved ID verification. Otherwise your ads will not be able to go online.
When creating your first ad in these categories, we will ask you to do the ID verification.
In addition, we can also request an ID verification if we have doubts about the age of the advertiser or if we have doubts about the authenticity of the advertiser.
The moderation team uses the ID verification to verify that the photos accompanying the ad are really from the advertiser, To determine the age of the advertiser and to verify that they are not fictitious ads.
See how the ID verification works on this page.