In case you forgot your password, you can easily get a new one through the website:

  • Go to the login page of Sexjobs.
  • Click on 'Forgot your password?'.
  • On this page please fill in the e-mail address connected to your account.
  • Hit 'Send'.

You will receive an e-mail with your new password. We advise you to change the password immediately after login and to remember it!

If you haven't received a password, it could be because of the following reasons:

  1. The e-mail with the new password has ended up in your 'junk mail' or spam box. So check these mailboxes.
  2. You've entered the incorrect e-mail address.
  3. You don't have an account (anymore) with that e-mail address. This might be because you haven't logged in for quite a while. In that case the system automatically deletes all the inactive data. You are free to create a new account with your e-mail of choice. Follow this page to create an account Create an account