Questions about your account on Sexjobs

How do I delete my Sexjobs account?
You can easily delete your Sexjobs account by yourself. Please follow these steps: Log in to your account and go to: Account Settings Click on the red bu...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 12:55 PM
I forgot my password. Now what?
In case you forgot your password, you can easily get a new one through the website: Go to the login page of Sexjobs. Click on 'Forgot your password?&...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 2:18 PM
I don't receive the e-mail to activate my account
Not receiving the activation e-mail can have several reasons: Have you specified the correct e-mail address when creating your account? Have you already ...
Wed, 26 Jun, 2024 at 12:31 PM
How do I change my password
You can easily change your password yourself. Please follow these steps: Log in to your account and go to 'Account Settings' Click on the little ...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 2:58 PM
How do I change my main e-mail address?
You can change your main e-mailaddres by yourself. Please follow these steps: Log in to Sexjobs and go to  'Account Settings' Click on the little...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 3:39 PM
How do I create an account?
Creating a Sexjobs account is very easy! Please follow these steps: Go to the website and click on 'Register'  Fill in the form completely (these...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 3:56 PM
When will my account be approved?
Our moderation team receives a number of almost 2000 accounts and advertisements per day. With the exception of week ends and holidays, they strive to revie...
Tue, 17 Mar, 2020 at 11:38 AM
My account is not accessible
If you try to log in and you receive the message 'This account is not accessible, please send a message to our Customer Service. Please use the e-mail a...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 3:59 PM
I have no access to my e-mail account anymore
In case you, for whatever reason, can no longer use your e-mail address, we can only help you if you have a phone number in your account. You can call us us...
Sun, 22 Mar, 2020 at 2:08 PM
I would like to have more accounts, because I offer different services
It is not allowed to be active on Sexjobs with more than one account. If you want to separate certain services, you can add different phone numbers in your ...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 4:05 PM